2013: “Stop corruption that threatens decent work”




Projekat Inicijativa za globalnu solidarnost (IGS) finansira nemačko Savezno ministarstvo za ekonomsku saradnju i razvoj (BMZ), a sprovodi Nemačka organizacija za međunarodnu saradnju (Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit – GIZ).



2013: “Stop corruption that threatens decent work”

At the beginning of 2013, The Centre for Democracy Foundation launched a project entitled "Stop corruption that threatens decent work" . The duration of the project was 15 months and was implemented in partnership with:

the Belgrade Centre for Human Rights   http://www.bgcentar.org.rs/   and   

The Initiative for Local Development Kraljevo  Inicijativa za lokalni razvoj iz Kraljeva .  

At the very start of the project, we signed a Cooperation Agreement with the Anti-Corruption Agency. The project received the Agency’s support and its participation in various activities associated with the project. 

Why this project?  

Zaustavimo korupciju koja ugrožava dostojanstven rad

  • Corruption is one of Serbia’s biggest issues. It is present in almost every sphere of government and society. 
  • Deeply imbedded corruption threatens the development of the economic and social rights of the people, including rights pertaining to labour. However, this issue continues to be neglected. 
  • The result of research conducted to date, suggests that corruption has a devastating effect on the application of laws which establish standards for decent work. 
  • Corruption frequently exists during the recruitment process. 
  • Political party recruitment is an occurrence which, despite containing elements of corruption, prevents the principle of competence and devalues knowledge and expertise. 

What did we do? 

Who did we include?

  • Local, national and independent institutions
  • Civil society organisations 
  • Representatives of local governments
  • The public
  • Media

What’s next?

Based on the information we gained during this project, the Centre for Democracy Foundation launched the "Citizens for inspection reform – towards an efficient inspection system in Serbia" in January 2014.  


http://www.europa.rs/  Projekat je podržan od Delegacije Evropske unije u Republici Srbiji u okviru projekta "Podrška civilnom društvu" koji finansira EU. 

http://www.fosserbia.org/  The project aided the Open Society Foundation

http://www.acas.rs/  The project supported the Anti-Corruption Agency

Konferencija za medije, 4.7.2014., Medija centar, Prezentacija projekta
Press Conference 4.7.2014, Media centre, Presentation of the project 

Konferencija za medije, 4.7.2014., Medija centar, Prezentacija projekta
Press Conference 4.7.2014, Media centre, Presentation of the project 

Konferencija za medije, 29.11.2013., Prezentacija publikacije Korupcija protiv dostojanstvenog rada
Press Conference 29.11.2013, Presentation of the publication "Corruption against dignified work"

Konferencija za medije, 27.2.2014., Prezentacija preporuka za suzbijanje korupcije
Press Conference 27.2.2014, Presentation of the recommendations for the prevention of corruption 

Trening za organizacije civilnog društva
Training for Civil society organisations 

Trening za organizacije civilnog društva
Training for Civil society organisations 

Trening za organizacije civilnog društva
Training for Civil society organisations

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