European values and policies in the local community (2006-2012)




Projekat Inicijativa za globalnu solidarnost (IGS) finansira nemačko Savezno ministarstvo za ekonomsku saradnju i razvoj (BMZ), a sprovodi Nemačka organizacija za međunarodnu saradnju (Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit – GIZ).



European values and policies in the local community (2006-2012)

Designed for councillors in municipal assemblies and officials in local government, from the moment this programme was first implemented in 2006 in the District of Zlatibor, it has been one of the Foundation’s top priorities. The objective of this project was to increase knowledge with regards to joining the European Union, the introduction of European values and also the promotion of these values. The empowerment of local representatives of the public, by ensuring that they have a better understanding of the reforms expected to be undertaken by Serbia on its path towards European Union, has had as its objective to ensure that councillors located in the local communities be the ones who will competently and comprehensively further promote European values and assume a more active role in policy-making at the local level.

In 2008, we continued our work on this programme through the 'Implementation of European values, policies and standards in the local communities' project in the Pomoravski and Rasina districts. This part of the programme was supported by the Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Serbia and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland. 

In the period between 2010 and 2011, a project entitled 'Implementation of European values and standards in local communities and regional development’ was realised in the districts of Niš and Pirot.

Programme statistics:

  • Evropske vrednosti i politike u lokalnoj zajednici (2006-2012)
    From 2006, the programme was implemented in the districts of Zlatibor, Niš, Pirot, Rasina, Pomoravlje, Ma?va and Kolubara
  • 285 councillors from over 50 municipalities in Serbia participated in the programme
  • Many publications were printed ('European strategies and policies in the local community', Thematic proceedings from ‘European standards in Serbia’)
  • Several conferences were held at the district level (‘The Region of Zlatibor and the road to European development’), public debates (‘On European agricultural policy’ and ‘European standards in the protection of consumer rights’, ‘Innovations in introducing European standards in Serbia and their application in the local communities’)
  • Participating partners of the programme include the Regional Chamber of Commerce from Užice, the Lingua Association of Kraljevo, ambassadors of the environment, the Consumers' Association of Serbia, and the AgroNET Center for Regional Development from Niš.


Evropske vrednosti i politike u lokalnoj zajednici (2006-2012)
The 'Partnership for regional development’ project derived from the
European values and policies in the local community
: the process of strategic planning development in the Užice region was implemented from October 2007 to October 2008, campaigns were launched in 10 municipalities in the Zlatibor District, with the participation of various social contributors, and based on the special engagement of the councillors, participants of the previous project. 

The workshops were attended by 104 participants from local governments, companies, small and large businesses, healthcare institutions, schools and other educational institutions, social welfare centres, NGOs and the media. 

With an inclusive approach, interactive methodology, the cooperation of all three sectors, and the facilitation of the planning process by the Regional Chamber of Commerce Foundation and the Centre for Democracy, a regional development plan was devised entitled "Strategy for Sustainable Development of the Užice region." 

A publication called "New theoretical and methodological approaches in the development of strategies for sustainable regional development" was printed. A conference entitled "Regional development partnerships" was held in Belgrade.

A need for development planning at the level of multiple municipalities (district, regional) was recognised, and not only at the municipal level. 

The project was supported by the Fund for an Open Society and by the Balkan Trust for Democracy. 

Evropske vrednosti i politike u lokalnoj zajednici (2006-2012)
Evropske vrednosti i politike u lokalnoj zajednici (2006-2012)
Evropske vrednosti i politike u lokalnoj zajednici (2006-2012)
Evropske vrednosti i politike u lokalnoj zajednici (2006-2012)
Evropske vrednosti i politike u lokalnoj zajednici (2006-2012)
Evropske vrednosti i politike u lokalnoj zajednici (2006-2012)
Evropske vrednosti i politike u lokalnoj zajednici (2006-2012)
Evropske vrednosti i politike u lokalnoj zajednici (2006-2012)
Evropske vrednosti i politike u lokalnoj zajednici (2006-2012)
Evropske vrednosti i politike u lokalnoj zajednici (2006-2012)

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