Local Governments’ Contribution to Pre-Accession Negotiations for Serbian Admission to the EU




Projekat Inicijativa za globalnu solidarnost (IGS) finansira nemačko Savezno ministarstvo za ekonomsku saradnju i razvoj (BMZ), a sprovodi Nemačka organizacija za međunarodnu saradnju (Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit – GIZ).



Local Governments’ Contribution to Pre-Accession Negotiations for Serbian Admission to the EU

In 2015, Center for Democracy Foundation continues the realization of the project “Local Governments’ Contribution to Pre-Accession Negotiations for Serbian Admission to the EU” with the support of Olof Palme International Center.

Project is implemented on the territory of western and central Serbia. We increase the capacities of local governments for inclusion into the pre-accession negotiations on Serbia’s membership to EU through: 

  • Training of local governments representatives for active monitoring of the negotiation process, 
  • Improvement and creation of communication channels between citizens and local governments, 
  • Advocating on the topics of Serbia’s integration into EU and transformation of local governments according to the European standards.?

Doprinos lokalnih samouprava pretpristupnim pregovorima za ?lanstvo Srbije u EU

Local governments’ contribution to pre-accession negotiations for Serbia’s membership in EU. During project implementation, we will include: (1) representatives of the local assemblies, (2) representatives of municipal administration, (3) citizens, (4) local non-governmental organizations and (5) local media. We will organize regional meetings with participants discussing pre-accession negotiations and vital actors in that process, aiming to raise their capacities for understanding of this process. In addition, we will organize round tables in order to get local communities acquainted with the negotiation process and get them interested for active engagement through contact with decision-makers. 

Developing the “Guide for Local Governments Through Pre-Accession Negotiations”, we will provide local governments with a tool they can use to take part in pre-accession negotiations between Serbia and EU more effectively and efficiently. 

We wish to accomplish: 

  • Vital capacity and knowledge level raising among local stakeholders on the topic of pre-accession negotiations,
  • More active participation of local stakeholders in definition of local communities’ priorities in the reform process of joining EU, 
  • Improved informing of local communities on the topic of accession to EU process.



Fondacija Centar za demokratiju Olof Palme International Center

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