
Video and photo galleries of our activities

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Annual Report on Labour Rights in the Republic of Serbia Presented

The Center for Democracy Foundation, with the support of the Olof Palme International Center, organised the presentation of the Annual Report on Labour Rights in the Republic of Serbia for 2023 on 26 June 2024.

Call to the future Government to continue with commitment to sustainable development and the 2030 Agenda implementation

SDGs for All Platform – On March 13 2024, as part of its nationwide advocacy efforts, the Platform organized a press conference at the Belgrade Media Center.

Debate: Long-term Effects of Gender Discrimination in the Labour Market

On 7 March 2024, the Center for Democracy Foundation organised the debate: Long-term Effects of Gender Discrimination in the Labour Market, in collaboration with the Friedrich Ebert Foundation.

Round table: The Role of Civil Society in Protecting Human Rights in Companies

A series of thematic roundtable discussions is being conducted as part of the Initiative for Global Solidarity (IGS) project. (21.12.2023)

Conference „Key challenges in ensuring gender equality in Serbia” – Opening and welcome note

Conference: „Key challenges in ensuring gender equality in Serbia: fight against gender-based violence against women and recognition of unpaid work” (Belgrade, 7 December 2023)

Debate: The Social Dimension of EU Integration – What Reforms Lie Ahead?

On 30 November 2023, the Center for Democracy Foundation organised the debate: The Social Dimension of EU Integration – What Reforms Lie Ahead?, in collaboration with the Friedrich Ebert Foundation.

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