2012-2013: “Decent Work for All”




Projekat Inicijativa za globalnu solidarnost (IGS) finansira nemačko Savezno ministarstvo za ekonomsku saradnju i razvoj (BMZ), a sprovodi Nemačka organizacija za međunarodnu saradnju (Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit – GIZ).



2012-2013: “Decent Work for All”

The definition of ’decent work’ is; a productive position where workers’ rights are protected, where it is possible to earn a decent living and where there is adequate social security. A high unemployment rate is Serbia’s biggest issue, but at the same time it is vital that conditions for sound employment exist. In 2012 and 2013, the "Decent Work for All" project encouraged and empowered the public to effectively fight for workers’ rights; and at the same time, we united all those crucial in the fight for better and more decent working conditions in Serbia, which was our main objective. 

What we did

  • The campaign entitled "Black and White – Together we are louder" was implemented in 12 towns to motive the public to fight for their rights within the sphere of employment, local coalitions were formed for support which were made up of relevant individuals and institutions from the public, civil and private sectors. 
  • 38 street campaigns were held throughout Serbia in three cycles, the themes being; undeclared employment, Occupational H&S and mobbing. 
  • Over 5000 members of the public supported our demands formulated in the Declaration for Decent Work with their signatures. 
  • We spoke to over 15,000 members of the public and gave out legal advice to nearly 1,000 people – mostly pertaining to wages that have not been paid out, harassment in the workplace, discrimination during the recruitment process and in the workplace, undeclared work, Occupational H&S, etc. Every day over a period of 10 months, we were available to the public over the telephone and online, and in that time gathered hundreds of testimonials from all over Serbia. 
  • Over 300 representatives from governmental institutions participated in our campaigns , giving us the opportunity to strengthened relations. This list includes the Ministry of Labour and Social Issues, the Government Directorate for Health and Safety at Work, the Labour Inspectorate, the Republic Agency for Peaceful Settlement of Labour Disputes, the Ombudsman, the Commission for Protection of Equity, the High Magistrates Court, etc. Support was also given by a significant number of representatives from various companies and we collaborated exceptionally well with the chambers’ of Commerce and employers’ associations.
  • We have published a document entitled "Working towards more efficient misdemeanour courts and labour inspection with regards to workers’ rights protection"
  • We have publicly promoted the recommendations made ( video ) to improve operations of these institutions and forwarded them to the relevant decision-makers. Additionally, we have published a collection of selected recommendations regarding various topics within this field.
  • The web portal crnonabelo.com was created, which has had over 50,000 visitors and over 100,000 views. Through this portal, the public was able to send in their questions and to contact relevant institutions. In November 2012 alone, we received over 100 questions posed by members of the public. 
  • On Facebook and Twitter the number of active ‘likers’ and followers had reached 8000 (a number which progressively grew even after the completion of the project). Through these channels we were able to reach half a million people and the most popular content was viewed by 200,000 social media site users. 
  • Over 200 civil society organisations participated in various ways in the project and a large number of these signed the Declaration for Decent Work ( list ).
  • The project was presented at civil society fairs in both Belgrade and Niš. 
  • The media actively covered the campaign and the coalition was mentioned in newspapers and electronic media ( project media ) over 100 times. 

The project was implemented on a national and local level in partnership with the Centre for Development of the Non-Profit Sector , the Foundation for New Communications Dokukino , the Timok Club , the NGO Together, together , and Resource Centre Majdanpek . Financial support for the implementation of the project was received from USAID through the Institute for Sustainable Development

Po?etak projekta i rada veb portala www.crnonabelo.com

The Beginning of the Project and the www.crnonabelo.com web portal

Gra?ani su na razli?ite na?ine mogli da do?u do informacija o projektu i našim aktivnostima (jun 2012)

Gra?ani su na razli?ite na?ine mogli da do?u do informacija o projektu i našim aktivnostima (jun 2012)

The public was able to access information about the project and our activities through various channels. June 2012

Najava kampanje i prvog ciklusa aktivnosti na temu rada na crno u Media centru u Nišu

A campaign announcement and the first cycle of activities on the topic of undeclared work in the Media Centre in Niš. In the picture: Zvezdana Milosavljevi? – Labour Inspectorate for the Ministry of Labour and Social Issues, An?elka Markovi? – PR of the "Black and White – Together we are louder" campaign and Snežana Pavkovi? – Timok Club. 19.06.2012 

Konferencija za medije u Boru povodom po?etka drugog ciklusa aktivnosti na temu bezbednosti i zdravlja na radu

A press conference held in Bor marking the start of the second cycle of activities on the topic of Occupational H&S. In the picture: Bojana Ruži? – the Centre for Democracy Foundation, Jasminko Hadžisalihovi? – Government Directorate for Health and Safety at Work, Ministry of Labour and Social Issues and Boris Ilijevski – Resource Centre Majdanpek. 9.10.2014   

Prezentacija Crno na belo - Bezbednost i zdravlje na radu u Privrednoj komori Beograda

A presentation of "Black and White – Occupational H&S" at the Belgrade Chamber of Commerce 26th September, 2012 intended for representatives of the governmental sector, employers, individuals responsible for Occupational H&S, as well as for employees. This audience was addressed by the Director of the Government Directorate for Health and Safety at Work, Ms. Vera Boži?-Trefalt and a representative from the Serbian Union of Employers, Mr. Zoran Punoševac.   

Uli?na akcija u Nišu

A street campaign held in Niš on 20th November, 2012 – Topic – Mobbing – Members of the public signed the Declaration for Decent Work.   


Zaje?ar 13th October. Topic – Occupational H&S.  

Predstavljanje rezultata kampanje. Medija centar, Beograd.

Presenting the results of the campaign. Media Centre Belgrade, 28th February, 2013. In the picture (from left to right): Snežana Pavkovi? – Timok Club, An?elka Markovi? – PR for the campaign, Bogdan Gavanski – Mission Chief for ISC Serbia, and Bojana Sekelji? – Dokukino. 

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