Mentoring and Monitoring for Real Impact




Center for Democracy Foundation with the support of German Development Cooperation.

Partner organisations on the project: Gender Knowledge Hub (Novi Sad), Udruženje žena Peščanik (Kruševac), Udruženje građana Ternipe (Pirot),  Ženski centar Užice (Užice),  Žensko udruženje kolubarskog okruga ŽUKO (Lazarevac).



Mentoring and Monitoring for Real Impact

Promoting gender equality in Serbia by empowering women’s organisations to respond to key gender challenges in society 

In 2023, the CDF with the support of German Cooperation in Serbia is implementing the Mentoring and Monitoring for Real Impact project with the aim of promoting gender equality in Serbia by empowering women’s organisations to respond to key gender challenges in society.

We contribute to the promotion of social inclusion in Serbia – improving the provision of social services for women and marginalised groups, economic empowerment of women, anti-discrimination and intersectionality, especially in the domains of unpaid work, gender-based violence, the position of women on the labour market, women with disabilities, etc.

We strengthen the capacities of women’s organisations and other civil society organisations to promote gender equality and solve gender challenges in Serbian society at the national and local level.

We work with local organisations, more specifically, with women’s organisations and organisations that support vulnerable groups (women/children with disabilities, LGBTI+, Roma women, unpaid labour).

Partner organisations on the project: Gender Knowledge Hub (Novi Sad), Udruženje žena Peščanik (Kruševac), Udruženje građana Ternipe (Pirot),  Ženski centar Užice (Užice),  Žensko udruženje kolubarskog okruga ŽUKO (Lazarevac).

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