PLATFORM for Monitoring of the Implementation of the Economic Reform Programme ERP and the Employment and Social Reform Programme ESRP in the European Integration Process




Projekat Inicijativa za globalnu solidarnost (IGS) finansira nemačko Savezno ministarstvo za ekonomsku saradnju i razvoj (BMZ), a sprovodi Nemačka organizacija za međunarodnu saradnju (Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit – GIZ).



PLATFORM for Monitoring of the Implementation of the Economic Reform Programme ERP and the Employment and Social Reform Programme ESRP in the European Integration Process

Platform aimed to establish effective dialogue between the Government of the Republic of Serbia and the civil society in the Republic of Serbia about the implementation of the key reform measures for the Republic of Serbia’s economic and social development, contained in the relevant areas of the Economic Reform Programme and the Employment and Social Reform Programme. 

Platform was signed between NCEU representatives (Center for Democracy Foundation, Center for European Policies, European Movement in Serbia and NALED) and Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Labour, Employment, Veteran and Social issues, and with the Social Inclusion and Poverty Reduction Unit.

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