Regional Youth Dialogue for Europe – RYDE




Projekat Inicijativa za globalnu solidarnost (IGS) finansira nemačko Savezno ministarstvo za ekonomsku saradnju i razvoj (BMZ), a sprovodi Nemačka organizacija za međunarodnu saradnju (Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit – GIZ).



Regional Youth Dialogue for Europe – RYDE

Three-year regional Project (2023-2026) for:

– Increased participation of young people in decision making proces
– Improved understanding and cooperation in Western Balkans
– Strengthening active support of citizens for reform and EU integration

Center for Democracy Foundation started implementing the Regional Youth Dialogue for Europe Project in cooperation with civil society organizations from the Western Balkans region.

Young people from Western Balkan region believe they are not sufficiently visible nor involved in the processes concerning their future. It is necessary to improve the participation of youth representatives in democratic societies and civil society organizations, as well as their cooperation in the region. Also, it is highly important to strengthen the dialogue of young people with decision-makers.

The Project is implemented in the context of the implementation of the EU Youth Strategy, the accompanying Action Plan for the Western Balkans and the Economic-Investment Plan for the Western Balkans, which established the Youth Guarantee program.

We are incorporating in the Project our experience in the promotion of European and democratic values and human rights, the Sustainable Development Goals and 2030 Agenda, with a particular focus on improvement of the status of young people and members of vulnerable groups, as well as the experience of encouraging public dialogue, creating and monitoring public policies and involving citizens in the decision-making process. 



We shall empower SCO, particularly youth organization activists and citizens throughout the region to:

  • Advocate for the adoption of European values and strengthening of democratic and responsible institutions
  • Participate in public dialogue on reforms
  • Spread knowledge about the economic and social progress to be brought about by the adoption of European standards in public policies
  • Cooperate on design and implementation of common cause projects
  • Work on overcoming the legacy of the past in the region through dialogue and cooperation and provide support to good neighborly relations and reconciliation
Main activities


Knowledge and exchange:

  • Survey on Youth policies in the Western Balkans
  • Politeia Regional School for Youth participation
  • Volunteer practice

Public dialogue on public policies on local, national and regional level:

  • Politeia Regional Thematic Sessions on Public Policies
  • Youth policy debates
  • Monitoring of youth public policies
  • Regional Conference

Sub-granting of projects of civil society organizations and informal groups projects:

  • Youth Fund
  • Active achievement Fund

Dynamic communication with citizens:

  • Informative and creative content in media and civil society networks
  • Interactive Online Youth Forum


We work in: Belgrade, Tirana, Sarajevo, Pristina, Skopje, Novi Sad…


The Program shall include:

  • 150 Youth organizations and 1.500 youth activists participating in a Survey
  • 50 participants of Politeia Regional School for Youth Participation
  • 6 Politeia thematic sessions
  • 1.000 young people on Interactive Youth Forum
  • 10 youth activists on Volunteer practice
  • 30 Financed projects through Youth Fund
  • 6 Expert analyses and Youth Policy Proposals
  • 30 Public Debates on Youth Policies
  • 200 participants in vivo and 300 online participants in a two-day Conference

Project Coordinator:

Center for Democracy Foundation, Belgrade


Academy of European Integrations and Negotiations (AIEN), Tirana

Kosovar Stability Initiative (IKS), Pristina

Network of Progressive Initiatives (NPI), Sarajevo

NGO Info Center (NGO IC), Skopje

Regional Academy for Democratic Development (ADD), Novi Sad

Youth Act Center (YA), Tirana

Project is funded by the European Union.







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