Easy Handbook to Support Professionals in working with Marginalised Groups

SMELT Project (Skilling Marginalized people to Enter Labour Market)


In the context of the rapidly changing labor market, the need for skilled employees becomes significantly larger. People who lack even the basic skills and competencies to start a new job face a hard to overcome challenges. These people most often are from marginalized backgrounds. Consequently, they need more time and effort to realize themselves in the labor market, due to the variety of obstacles they need to tackle such as lack of skills, language barrier, immigration status, racial or gender discrimination, etc.

Professionals working in employment services carry the crucial role to prepare, orient, and match the knowledge and skills of the potential employees with the ones required in the job vacancies. Concerning marginalized groups of people, these professionals can highly contribute to their realization on the labor market and consequently to build better lives, be included in society, and lower the unemployment rates.

This is why this part of the Handbook is devoted to helping and orienting professionals in the field of employment services who work with marginalized people. It is assigned to giving concise and understandable information and to provide additional guidance to the professionals on how to approach and help marginalized people to find a job.


This Easy Handbook has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union under the ERASMUS+ programme. The contents of it are the sole responsibility of the SMELT project and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union.

More info: https://sites.google.com/aldaintranet.org/smelt/easy-handbook/