Round table: Discrimination in the Workplace and Protective Mechanisms

Initiative for Global Solidarity (IGS)

The Center for Democracy Foundation organised the third public debate on the protection of human rights in the context of business. The objective of this series of dialogues was to inform and raise awareness on the protection of human rights in global supply chains and relevant international legislations and practices.

A series of dialogues are being conducted within the Initiative for Global Solidarity (IGS) project, implemented by GIZ in Serbia, as part of wider efforts to achieve efficient and active participation of institutions, trade unions, CSOs, the business community and other stakeholders.

The round table entitled: Discrimination in the Workplace and Protective Mechanisms was held on 1 March 2024 in Belgrade.

Partaking in the discussion were: Sanela Bahtijarević, German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ); Nataša Vučković, Center for Democracy Foundation; Kirsten Schönefeld, Friedrich Ebert Foundation; Ivica Lazović, the Republic Agency for the Peaceful Settlement of Labour Disputes; Danijela Ristovski, Commissioner for the Protection of Equality; Nebojša Rajković, the Association of Free and Independent Trade Unions (ASNS); Milica Marinković, A11; Mario Reljanović, Centre for Decent Work; Miroslava Jelačić – Kojić, Group 484; Milica Lupšor, ROZA; Dragan Marjanović, Confederation of Free Trade Unions, and others. The discussion was moderated by: Ljubica Gojgić, Journalist.


Discrimination in the workplace has wider implications for the protection of human rights in supply chains. For this reason, it is important to understand the way in which discrimination in the workplace affects the entire dynamics of supply chains as well as the ways in which it can be addressed in order to protect the human rights of all those employed in these chains. Identification and elimination of discrimination in a business context is an important element of all international standards and national legislations.

The round table provided insight into different dimensions of workplace discrimination, the ways in which it can jeopardise fundamental human rights and efficient protective mechanisms and procedures made available to employees.

Through the discussion, we aimed to stimulate an open and constructive dialogue among relevant stakeholders to exchange opinions and experiences, and contribute to raising awareness and knowledge of these issues. Thorough understanding, collaboration, and partnership among stakeholders are essential to enhance due diligence relative to human rights and responsible business practices in Serbia.

Labour rights are an integral part of the human, economic and social rights. Our task is to recognise discrimination, to sensitise and inform citizens, but also to work with businesses, in advocacy for human rights. It is necessary to establish synergy and more intensive cooperation of all actors dealing with these issues – was one of the messages derived at during the round table.

The Initiative for Global Solidarity (IGS) project is funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Co-operation and Development (BMZ) and implemented by the German organisation for international cooperation – Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ).

Center for Democracy Foundation 
