Vučković: We cannot isolate ourselves from the international community; we’ve already tried that and it doesn’t work

Interview with Nataša Vučković for FoNet News Agency

In an interview with the News Agency FoNet, Nataša Vučković from the Center for Democracy stated that our parliamentarians are adopting the style of speech used in the Serbian Parliament when addressing the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe. She hopes that Belgrade will not make the mistake of withdrawing from the Council of Europe in the event of Kosovo's accession, as this would put an end to European integration.

“Council of Europe membership is a precondition for us gaining EU membership,” explained Vučković in the Catch 23 series, noting that any potential withdrawal from the Council of Europe would be detrimental to Serbia’s people.

According to her, Serbia must behave maturely on the international stage. This requires a calm assessment of its own position in contact with partners and interlocutors, primarily originating from the EU, as well as developments in the surrounding region and globally.

Decision-makers must demonstrate enthusiasm, both towards the European Union and towards our people, and are required to display our aspirations to becoming a member of an organisation like the EU.

Source: N1 / FoNet / CDF
